Top 6 Exotic Dog Breeds You Should Own As Pets [MUST SEE]


 If you love pets, especially dogs, we have put together six different kinds of dog breeds for you to consider, though they might not be easy to maintain but they are quite friendly and well mannered.


The Briard is an ancient breed of large herding dog, originally from France. People like Charlemagne, Napoleon, Thomas Jefferson, and Lafayette were all said to have owned Briards. It became popular after the Paris dog show of 1863 by the French army as a sentry, messenger and to search for wounded soldiers. The Briard’s modern-day roles include police, military and search-and-rescue work, as well as serving as companion dog. The puppy costs around $2000 (three hundred ninety-eight thousand naira).!!TIMESTAMP!!

Chow Chow
 2. Chow Chow

This Chinese breed is one of the oldest dog breeds in existence today, as confirmed by DNA tests. Originally developed as a multi-purpose working dog, Chows have excelled at herding, hunting, guarding, and pulling. If you admire the Chow Chow’s unique puffy appearance, abundant character and independent spirit, you’ll have a fiercely loyal companion who will be a true treasure in your household. It costs around $800 (one hundred fifty-nine thousand, two hundred naira)!!TIMESTAMP!!

English Bull dog
 3. English Bull dog

The English Bulldogs are quite popular and they are have silly personalities. This breed comes at a cost of purchase price of a puppy around $3,000. (two hundred ninety-eight thousand five hundred in naira) English Bulldogs are prone to a multitude of health problems, which means excess trips to the veterinarian and more medical bills than your average breed.

French Bulldog
 4. French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is a small breed of domestic dog. “Frenchies” were the result in the 1800s of a cross between bulldog ancestors imported from England and local ratters in Paris. They cost around $2100 (four hundred seventeen thousand nine hundred in naira).!!TIMESTAMP!!

German Shepherd
5. German Shepherd

A German Shepherd is one of the most popular dogs and it is least healthy. A well-bred German Shepherd can be difficult to find, and you’re likely to spend around $2,500 (four hundred ninety-seven thousand five hundred) regardless of bloodline. Their decreasing health is part of the reasons for their decline in work fields such as police and military.

Tibetan Mastiffs
6. Tibetan Mastiffs

Tibetan Mastiffs are large guardians, with thick coats and stubborn temperaments. Tibetan Mastiff has a thick coat that can easily harbor fleas and mites, though a careful owner will be able to avoid infestations. Frequent, regular grooming is a must to prevent any matted fur and skin infections. It costs around $5000 (nine hundred ninety-five thousand naira)!!TIMESTAMP!!!!TIMESTAMP!!

1 comment:

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