5 Creative Ways To Surprise Your Partner

The strength of your relationship with your partner depends on the choices you make to improve it. Romancing your partner can change those patterns, and can be a lot of fun, but will require some hard work. Planning and energy are imperative for making good times happen such as....

Romantic Note Writing

Write little notes containing sexy things you cherish about your partner and hide them on the car dashboard, back of the car seat, purse or wallet, back of the home cushion, etc. If you are wary about your note dropping off unnoticed, carefully pin the note onto the towel or roll it up with your love note snuggling secure inside. Love notes are a simple delightful way of expressing your feelings for your partner. With just a few words or a couple of sentences, you can make your dearest smile, laugh, sigh and even have them searching for you to kiss or hug. Another cute way of leaving a love note is in the bathroom, stick it on to the mirror or write “I love you” with lipstick. You can as well go for the old-fashioned route and leave a romantic message for your beloved in his/her mailbox. Notes create lasting memories and show how much you care.


You can surprise your partner with a little gift occasionally and your partner will always feel lucky to have you rock his or her world. Before shopping for the gift, note down his or her hobbies and interests. Consider a gift that compliments your partner’s hobbies or matches your partner’s interest in something. if your partner has a humorous personality, try looking for a novelty gift. Look at what brand your partner loves and get a gift that matches or closely matches that brand. You can never go wrong with using brands to help you select a gift as long as it is the one that your partner likes. Be unique; don’t buy an ordinary gift or surprise your partner with a package that any other person can easily devise. Engage your creative instincts when buying the gifts. Buying  your partner an experience that you can enjoy together or that your partner can experience on his or her own, it will be a memory your partner can take with him or her forever. Give a gift that reflects the awesome moments you have been together. Don’t give too much too soon or too little after a long time. Giving too much too soon might look as if you are buying affection. On the other hand, if you give too little after you have been together for a long time it might make your partner think that you are stingy. Whatever you buy for your partner expresses sentiments of your love for him or her.

Surprise party

Surprise parties may sound awkward but the person you are throwing it for will love it. Plan a surprise party for your partner especially on a special day like birthday, graduation day, anniversary or maybe your first Christmas together. Talk to all your friends and siblings, order your partner’s favorite food, and decorate the area. Call your partner and ask him or her to be at the place as there is something important that requires his or her presence. Now turn off lights and hide. You can stick a lot of balloons on the back side of the main door. And then surprise, seeing that you have brought all the people who matter to him or her together will make your partner love you the more.

Surprise Getaway

Plan a surprise tourist visit probably abroad, get tickets for you and your partner especially on weekends or during public holidays. A surprise trip can be very exciting, but make sure you do it right. If you know your partner’s boss, you can contact them to see if your love can leave a few hours early on Friday or even take the day off. If you’re flying somewhere, keep the destination a secret until you get to the gate (find out if they have a hidden fear of flying first). Surprises are supposed to be fun and adventurous. Consider making the surprise a game, where you leave spy-style clues for your partner that give them hints on where you are going. Once you get close to your destination, put a blindfold on your partner. This works especially well at scenic resorts or a destination with a hidden attraction. You can also use your name instead of your partner’s for the email confirmation and contact details when booking.

Revisit The Past

Recreate your first date, where you met, look back at how it all began by re-creating your first night out together. Head to the same restaurant or movie theater and reminisce about how far you’ve come since that first excursion. The little trip down memory lane will make it sentimental and fun.

You can’t stop loving or wanting to love because when its right it’s the best thing in the world. When you’re in a relationship and its good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete.


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