6 Possible Causes of Anger in Children [MUST READ]

Anger in your child could also be due to certain provocations that they are facing with. Besides, these anger-causing factors differ from child to child. 

Every human has a certain specific cause which can cause anger in him or her and these are unique to every individual.

Therefore, it is not possible to categorize any particular factor or factors as the main anger triggers in your child. But nevertheless, here are a few common causes responsible for triggering anger in your child.

Difficult Situations

Your child becomes angry because he or she is unable to cope with situations that are happening in their life. Your child needs to learn and apply many things in life, like behaving in front of elders, using different simple objects like a cup or pencil, learning normal etiquettes of life and living, doing their daily routines, and so on.

If they are unable to adhere to accepted conformities of doing anything, they tend to become angry and frustrated at their incapability. When such frustrations reach unmanageable levels, it develops into tantrums.

Tantrums in your child can cause many embarrassing situations for you as a parent.  On the other hand, it is also essential for you to maintain your cool when your child is throwing their tantrum so that you can try to soothe them to calm down and return to normal levels.

Remember, do not indulge your child in a tantrum and buy or give whatever the child wants. Remain firm on your stand if you’ve already made up your mind.

Specific Events

Sometimes occurrence or nonoccurrence of a particular event could cause anger in your child. These events can be daily occurrences like an unfair move by a friend in a game, the inability to secure any particular toy, and such. The events seem too insignificant, but beware that it can trigger anger your child without any warning signs.

Loss of Security

Children can develop aggressive behaviors when they sense any problems related to their security. The doubt of loss of security arises if your child finds you being too busy with no time to play or spend with them. Aggressive behavior can project out in the form of punching, hitting, pulling hair, biting, breaking things, hurting animals, grabbing playthings, and such.

Excessive Energy

Some children have abundance of energy and therefore, you need to keep them physically active all day. These high levels of energy can develop into anger if they are not utilized. Anger in such children could lead to physical abuses and therefore, it is essential to keep them busy in outdoor activities for major part of their time.


Children normally emulate their parents. Therefore, if you become angry at the slightest provocation, your children will most probably follow you’re your child copies your expression of frustration, aggression, and other emotions.

Therefore, it is better for you to handle conflicting situations with a calm mind. Your children also learn to do the same at a young age.

Instances from Memory

Sometimes your child can become angry at not being able to attain something in the past. If your child suddenly remembers your refusal to buy some particular toy some time in the past, it could trigger anger now reminiscing past events.

Patience holds the key to dealing with such anger situations in your child. Organize your work schedules and plan things beforehand to avoid causing disappointments to your child.

Besides, offer them choices to choose when in difficult situations. Try to explain your behavior in simple terms and similarly, give them time to make clear their behavior, anger, or aggression.

Talk over matters with your child at an opportune moment and clearly explain the devastating effects of anger on their health and life.

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